For any of you who are fond of my butterfly paintings, this notice may be of particular interest.
I am participating in the Altered Books Show at Marin Museum of Contemporary Art this year.
Bay Area artists are invited to create and donate artwork from altered books to this annual fundraiser.
There will be an Opening Reception on April 19 from 5-7 pm and a Live Auction Closing Party on May 24 from 5-7:30 pm.
A Silent Auction will run from April 19-May 24, and all winning bids will be matched by the Ron Collins Fund.
My altered book, titled “In Search of Excellence in Metamorphosis”, is all about butteflies.
16 identified butterflies and moths emerge from inside the book, while many more tiny ones clip onto it.
The front and back book covers are adorned with some amazing caterpillars.
Tthe pages inside the book, bundled and covered with marbled papers in graceful,
chaotic swirls of color, represent transformation within the cocoon.
Thus three stages of metamorphosis are represented.
And what symbolizes metamorphosis more beautifully than butterflies?

The Altered Book/Book Arts Show
returns to MarinMOCA
Come see 150 Bay Area artists transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.
SHOW DATES: April 19 through May 24, 2014
OPENING: April 19, 5-7 pm
SILENT AUCTION: April 19-May 24
We are pleased to announce that all winning bids will be MATCHED, dollar for dollar through a grant from the Collins Fund. All proceeds go to MarinMOCA.

Novato Arts Center at Hamilton Field
500 Palm Drive, Novato, CA 94949
500 Palm Drive, Novato, CA 94949
Open to the public
Wednesday – Friday 11am – 4 pm
Saturday – Sunday 11am – 5pm
Come visit our Museum Store!