I have put together a list of all the fishes depicted in “Kona Crowd” watercolor painting, but I haven’t tried to number and notate where each fish is located within …
New Painting: KONA CROWD
I have finally completed “Kona Crowd”, the 22×30 watercolor that I began in January, soon after we returned from a week on the Kona Coast of Hawaii. The painting consists …
Award for Fishes
All the fishes in “Hawaiian Fishes All the Way Down” are very excited. They were just awarded an Honorable Mention in the “All Creatures” juried show at Marin Society of …
Hawaiian Fish
The watercolor painting of Hawaiian fish is completed. I’m currently working on the identification chart for it. I’ll take it to be photographed as a 4×5 transparency, which is then …
New Painting Underway
I’ve finally begun the initial stages of a new painting. The watercolor paper has been soaked, stretched and taped to a board. Sketches are underway. The subject matter? Hawaiian fish. …