24×24 watercolor; 32×32 framed
As I researched tropical insects for the “Amazon Insects” painting, I became fascinated by the incredible colors and patterns of beetles. I decided to devote an entire painting to them, and had a wonderful time designing a mandala pattern of seven families of beetles. Combining science with art is my particular delight, so an identification chart is provided. The image was published in Campbell Biology (10th edition) college textbook by Pearson Science Publishing in 2013.
Beautiful Beetles Identification Chart

Beautiful Beetles ID Chart
Staghorn Beetles (Lucanidae)
1A Lucanus cervus
1B Prosopocoilus bison cinctus
1C Neolamprina adolphinae
1D Odontolabis elegans
Weevils (Curclionidae)
2A Eupholus schoenherri
2B Eupholus loriae
2C Eupholus quinitaenia
2D Eupholus bennetti
Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae)
3A Rosenbergia weiskei
3B Sternotomis variabilis semirufescens
3C Calloplophora sollii
3D Plectrodera scalator
3E Unidentified (from Costa Rica)
3F Rosalia formosa
3G Tmesisternus rafaetae
3H Anaphlora elegans
Shining Leaf Chafers
(Scarabaeidae, subfamily Rutelinae)
4A Chrysina woodi
4B Macraspis cincta
4C Chrysophora chrysochlora
4D Thyriochlorata sp.
4E Mimela testaceovirides
4F Platycoelia humeralis
4G Pelidnota puchella
4H Mimela flavilabris
Jewel Beetles (Buprestidae)
5A Megaloxantha bicolor nigricornis
5B Chrysochra mniszechii
5C Chrysochroa sp.
5D Rainbow Beetle, unidentified genus
5E Chrysocroa fulminans cobaltina
5F Chrysochroa fulgens
5G Chrysochroa sp.
5H Belionota sumptuosa
Ladybird Beetles (Coccinellidae)
6A Unidentified Ladybird Beetle
6B Unidentified Ladybird Beetle
6C Unidentified Ladybird Beetle
6D Psyllobora sp.
6E Chrysomela sp.
6F Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata
Flower Beetles
(Scarabaeidae, subfamily Cetoniinae)
7A Aphelorrhina tibialis adelphoides
7B Torynorrhina flammea
7C Coelorrhina loricata oberthueri
7D Rhomborrhina resplendens
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