Inachis io, or European Peacock butterfly, is commonly found in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Its range may extend as far east as Japan. This harbinger of spring hibernates during …
CD Cover Art
Libby McQuitson, a singer/composer friend, wrote an original choral piece called “Nature’s Repose” based on the writings of John Muir. I was one of the singers invited to sing on …
Bordered Butterfly card sets
I’ve arranged most of the new bordered butterfly (and moth) cards into sets of four. Four cards just barely squeeze into a single clear sleeve, along with a slip of …
framed individual moths & butterfly
I have framed five of the moth/butterfly watercolors that I painted for “The Little Book of Metamorphosis” – which is still just a possibility for a handmade book, not a …
Beetles accepted
I found out this morning that my submission to the Marin Community Foundation exhibit was accepted! Beautiful Beetles will hang with 11 other pieces of art (each from a different …
Hawaiian Fish
The watercolor painting of Hawaiian fish is completed. I’m currently working on the identification chart for it. I’ll take it to be photographed as a 4×5 transparency, which is then …
New Painting Underway
I’ve finally begun the initial stages of a new painting. The watercolor paper has been soaked, stretched and taped to a board. Sketches are underway. The subject matter? Hawaiian fish. …
Framed Basilisk
Basilisk, Orchids, Frogs is now framed, and I’m really pleased with the light colored, but deeply textured wood frame I found. Suits it very well.