Just in case any of you were dying to go to the November 2015 Marin Baroque concert but couldn’t make it – Here are Youtube links to performances of the …
Jigsaw Puzzle
For several years now I have had a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle made from a painting for Mike’s Christmas present. This year’s puzzle image was “Festive Flock”. I filled in some of the …
New Butterfly Painting Underway
After much deliberation, I’ve decided that the Resplendant Forester butterfly, Bebearia sp., will be the subject of my next watercolor. It may be just the first of a new butterfly series, …
December Concerts
I sang with the Marin Symphony Chamber Chorus in their annual “Holiday Choral Concert by Candlelight” at St. Raphael’s Church on December 5 & 6. It’s such a lovely way to …
Duet: Dolci Chiodi by G.H. Handel
I sang Handel’s Dolci Chiodi, a duet for soprano and alto, with Elsa Nichols in a Marin Baroque concertin 2013. Here is a video of it on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8lV40UpW_E
Art Exhibit in San Francisco #2
This second flyer was sent as a reminder about my SF exhibit: Nature – Three Visions. All the information is the same as in my last post, but with a new image.
Art Exhibit in San Francisco
Nature – Three Visions I will be exhibiting paintings in San Francisco for the first time! My work has been seen in the North Bay for 20 years, but this …
Festive Flock ID Chart
Here is the Festive Flock ID Chart, with both common and scientific names of 42 wonderous feathered friends! Acorn Woodpecker Melanerpes formicivorus Banded Cotinga Cotinga maculata Black-and-Red Broadbill Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchos …
Festive Flock has Arrived
Festive Flock, my newest watercolor painting, is finally completed! There is an ID chart to go with it, specifying the 42 colorful birds from around the world that I chose …
Dreamhaven, by Tracy Tandy
Dreamhaven, by Tracy Tandy, is published and available in paperback and ebook editions. This is the first title released from Inevitable Ink Publishing. Cara Bevan created the charming illustrations and …
Colorful Birds Watercolor Progress
My watercolor of some of the world’s most colorful birds is coming along. Some of the birds are nearing completion, although I’m leaving all the eyes for last! A few sketches …
Colorful Birds Painting in Progress
I am now applying paint to my new watercolor painting of some of the world’s most colorful birds. I spent the first weeks of my convalescence (after a fall) just doing research. …
Dido & Aeneas
Marin Baroque presented “Dido & Aeneas” on June 26 and 27, 2015. It was a fully staged opera performed outdoors in the courtyard of the First Presbyterian Church of San …
First Steps on a New Painting
It’s been almost 5 weeks since my fall, and I’me feeling much better. I can walk almost normally, and am able to sit at my desk and drawing table again. So …
Time to Heal
Well, I did it. I fell on the tile floor of my kitchen and fractured my sacrum in two places. Darn. If only I could have caught myself… But the …
Marin Baroque Fundraiser
Below is the online invitation I designed for Marin Baroque’s spring fundraiser. I hope to be singing a couple of jazz standards (and maybe an aria from Carmen) as part of …
Tropical Birds concert by Marin Baroque
Marin Baroque has a wonderful concert set coming up this month. Although I will not be singing with them this time (I’ll be in the Caribbean instead), I have spent many …
Tropical Birds: Marin Baroque concert
Marin Baroque will present a wonderful concert titled “Tropical Birds” on March 28 & 29, 2015. It will feature exotic music of the old and new worlds, including music of …
Holiday Concerts
I’ll be singing as a soloist and choral member in two different concerts coming up in early December. The first is the Marin Symphony’s Holiday concert on December 3 at …
Caterpillar Book, step 4
The fourth caterpillar/moth installment is done! This one is the Whitelined Sphinx Moth, Hyles linneata. This species is also known as a Hummingbird Moth, and is easily mistaken for a …