New Art Books

I’ve been working on some new versions of art books using the moth, butterfly, and caterpillar images. They are all variations on “Little Book of Metamorphosis”.
The first one, also shown in an earlier post, is a large hanging one meant to be seen on both sides. That one has the cumbersome title “Five Caterpillars, Four Moths, One Butterfly – A Hanging Book of Metamorphosis”. The species names and caterpillars are all on the back sides of the moth/butterfly images.

Next came “Five Caterpillars, Four Moths, One Butterfly – A Folding Book of Metamorphosis”. This one is in a natural colored case covered with fibrous handmade paper to resemble a cocoon. The book can open flat or unfold and stand accordion-style.
It is also two-sided, with all the caterpillars on one side. Identification tabs can be pulled up from each “page”.