30×22 watercolor; 37×29 framed This painting was created to support the environmental organization, Friends of the Eel River. It was reproduced on T-shirts, prints and cards, then published in The Eelriver Reporter, …
Leafy Sea Dragon
28×22 watercolor; 34.5 x 38.5 framed The Leafy Sea Dragon, Phycodurus eques, is a relative of the Seahorse, as you might suspect. This marvelous sea creature is found off Australia’s south and …
Kona Crowd
22×30 watercolor; 30.5×38 framed Skin diving is my favorite travel sport. It makes me feel like I’m flying over a very beautiful, alien world. (I don’t use an air tank, just …
Bits of Flight
30×22 watercolor This painting was inspired by feathers and butterfly wings that I found while hiking on Marin trails. I already had a peacock and blue macaw feather, so all the …
Worlds Within
22×30 mixed watermedia The technique used to paint this piece is the same as for my other mixed media abstracts, but there was a different intent. It was actually meant to …
22×30 mixed watermedia My abstract pieces may appear to be either microcosm or cosmic macrocosm, but each has an internal rather than an objective source. The subject matter is energy, dimensions and multiple …
Veiled Labyrinth
22×30 mixed water media My abstract pieces may appear to be either microcosm or cosmic macrocosm, but each has an internal rather than an objective source. The subject matter is energy, dimensions and …
Cosmic Clouds
22×30 mixed watermedia This piece is a cosmic abstract painting, but is not based on any photographs or other images. The source is internal. The subject matter is energy, dimensions, multiple realities …
9×12 watercolor; 11×14 framed Coral Reef Series Could any fish be more fabulously colorful than a parrotfish? They munch on the coral, but I love them anyway. Click here to …
Handsome Crowd
30×22 watercolor; 35×28 framed Handsome Crowd features a selection of fish that are not the flashiest or most colorful, but which I find particularly handsome. Orangespine Unicornfish, Achilles Tang, Ornate Butterflyfish and …
Moorish Idol
9×12 watercolor; 11×14 framed Coral Reef Series The Moorish Idol, with its long, trailing dorsal fin extension waving along behind it, is a lovely, graceful coral reef fish. Even the …
Saddle Wrasse
9×12 watercolor; 11×14 framed Coral Reef Series There are other, even more colorful species of wrasse endemic to Hawaii, but the Saddle Wrasse is the one I see most often there. Like …
Rainbow Butterflies
30×22 watercolor Butterflies come in every color, so I chose monochromatic ones (just one color plus black and white) to make up the rainbow. The border is made of strips …
Resplendent Forester Butterfly
13×19 watercolor 19×25 framed Solo Butterfly Series This wonderfully colorful butterfly was discovered in a rainforest of Ghana in 2012. It is the Resplendent Forester butterfly, Bebearia sp. There are several Forester …
Red, White, Black
30×22 watercolor This watercolor of butterflies is a study in monochramatic design. That is, the color scheme is just one hue (red) plus black and white. I did do some …
Blue Clipper
9×13 watercolor 13×17 framed Solo Butterfly Series The Blue Clipper Butterfly, Parthenos sylvia, was challenging to paint – especially in my favorite medium, watercolor. But I found the blue version of …
Death’s Head Hawkmoth
9×13 watercolor 13×17 framed Solo Butterfly Series The Death’s Head Hawkmoth, Acherontia atropos, sports a skull-like design on its body. This fact, of course, has lent it a certain macabre …
Funerary Daggermoth
9×13 watercolor 13×17 framed Solo Butterfly Series The Funerary Daggermoth (Acronicta funeralis) seems appropriately named for its interesting markings. Rather macabre, though, right? The caterpillar of this moth is know as …