Dream Bouquet 2


8×8 acrylic on stretched canvas, framed to 9.5×9.5 in a black wood float frame.

I enjoyed making “Dream Bouquet 1” so much that I wanted to repeat the technique on a smaller canvas. I used the same “pulled string” technique with liquid acrylics to create this smaller fantasy floral image. Again, instead of using strings to pull colors on the black background, I used beads and small chains. The result was equally stunning!

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8×8 acrylic on stretched canvas.

I enjoyed making “Dream Bouquet 1” so much that I wanted to repeat the technique on a smaller canvas. I used the same “pulled string” technique with liquid acrylics to create this smaller fantasy floral image. Again, instead of using strings to pull colors on the black background, I used beads and small chains. The result was equally stunning!