Wings Series
30×22 pastel; 38×30 framed
Yes – l love to paint butterflies, and moths, too. Their beauty and variety are endless. Butterfly Wings of the World is the latest of the Wings Series, but I can’t say for sure that it will be the last! Each depicts butterfly wings of real species found in a specific region. For this painting, however, I used no geographic parameters and chose species I wanted to paint from anywhere in the world. My very favorite moth is the Madagascar Sunset Moth, which can be seen dominating the upper left of the painting.
Wings of the World won an award at the First Annual Marinwood Art Exhibit and Wine Tasting in 2013.
Wings of the World Identification Chart

30×22 pastel
- Hypolimnas pandora
- Chrysiridia rhipheus (Madagascar sunset moth)
- Polyura cognatus
- Divana diva (Diva moth)
- Precis rhadama
- Argema mittrei (Comet moth)
- Morpho menelaus (Blue morpho)
- Inachis io (Peacock butterfly)
- Lyroperyx apollonian (Blue-rayed Metalmark)
- Graphium weskei (Purple Spotted Swallowtail)
- Hypolimnas bolina (Great Egg Fly)
- Limenitis populi (Poplar Admiral)
- Anaea cyanea (Blue Leafwing)
- Papilio maacki
- Euphaedra xypete (Forester Butterfly)
- Ornithoptera euphorion (Cairn’s Birdwing)
- Heliconius charithonia (Zebra Longwing)
- Pereute leucodrosime (Red-banded Pereute)
- Apatura iris (Purple Emperor)
- Dynamine mylitta
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